Doc > Changelog > 1.1.197
- SOP/scatter: fix a bug where a float attribute with a value of 0 would not be properly transferred to the created points.
- ANIM nodes can now correctly animate color parameters.
- SOP/file, SOP/dataUrl and COP/image delete stored blob before reloading, to allow the
button param to work as expected. - SOP/noise: attribute restP is now used correctly when input is not cloned.
- SOP/objectMerge: add param label.
- EVENT/nodeCook: can process subsequents node cooks.
- EVENT/FirstPersonControls, EVENT/mobileJoystickControls and EVENT/playerControls: collision refactor so that the collider can change without triggering a controls reset.
- EVENT/mobileJoystickControls: allow run and jump.
- add SOP/fileMulti to load multiple files and position them with one node.
- COP/builder: remove time dependency.
- core: CorePlayer speed is normalized when moving in diagonal.
- PanelSceneSelector shows a scroll bar when many scenes are loaded.
- Add Editor level mouse events to close dropdown menus
- Deleting a panel finally works.
- ensure nodes registered with
{userAllowed: false}
are not shown in tab menu.
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