Doc > Changelog > 1.1.216
Audio nodes
- audio/file: add callbacks when calling .play() to track potential raised error
- audio/file: improve buffer current time display and buttons to play/pause and move forward/backward
COP nodes
- cop/audioAnalyser: fix speed channel
GL nodes
- ensures that gl/varyingWrite and gl/varyingRead work for all mesh materials, as well as point and line.
- add doc to many gl nodes.
SOP nodes
- sop/circle: add center param
- sop/transformReset: add operation
- sop/reflector and sop/oceanPlane: fix bug where an object not centered on the origin would have incorrect reflections
- sop/particlesSystemGpu: fix bug where texture allocation was not properly done.
- sop/particlesSystemGpu: fix bug where the shader was not always refreshed when adding/removing/updating param, texture, ramp and attribute nodes. This also applies to material builders and cop/builder.
- sop/particlesSystemGpu: fix bug where the particle material would not correctly read an attribute that was used in the particle sim, even if not updated by it.
- sop/color: fix bug where it would silently error if requested attribute was not found.
- distance and depth custom shaders work for mesh, points and line, allowing shadows from spotlights, pointlights and directionalLights for material builders
- ch: make 2nd argument optional. So only
ch(<path to copy node>)
is necessary - strSub: first argument is converted to a string if it is another type
- add .onBeforeDeleted to node lifecycle hooks
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