Doc > Changelog > 1.1.243
This version introduces 2 important node types: actor nodes and Poly Nodes.
- actor nodes give a way to add behaviors to objects, and have them react to state. This is loosely inspired by unreal blueprint.
- Poly Nodes, unlike actor nodes, are not a new node context, but add a specific nodes to every context. They allow you to create your own nodes from other existing nodes.
Actor Nodes
Here is a list of the first new nodes in the actor context:
- AnimationActionCrossFade
- AnimationActionFadeIn
- AnimationActionFadeOut
- AnimationActionPlay
- AnimationActionStop
- AnimationAction
- AnimationMixer
- AnimationMixerUpdate
- Code
- Constant
- GetChildrenAttributes
- GetMaterial
- GetObjectAttribute
- GetObjectProperty
- GetObject
- MultScalar
- Null
- OnEventChildAttributeUpdated
- OnEventManualTrigger
- OnEventObjectAttributeUpdated
- OnEventScenePlayState
- OnEventSceneReset
- OnEventTick
- Or
- PlayAnimation
- PlayInstrumentNote
- SetObjectHoveredState
- SetObjectLookAt
- SetObjectMaterial
- SetObjectPosition
- SetObjectScale
- SetViewer
- Switch
- TriggerFilter
- TwoWaySwitch
And they can be created from an actorsNetwork (which can be created in any context), or from a sop/actor.
Poly Nodes
Some documentation is coming soon regarding how to create Poly Nodes. But they are in essence a way to create your own tools, which can be re-used from scene to scene, and shared easily with other people. Just like a Polygonjs scene, a Poly node is saved into a json file.
This is loosely inspired by the OTLs or HDA of Houdini.
If you want to give it a go before any proper documentation is ready, you can create a sop/subnet, and when you right click on it, in the context menu, you will see an option 'Create Poly Node', which will allow you to convert this subnet into a poly node.
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