Doc > Changelog > 1.1.264
Post Processing nodes update:
This version has breaking changes, where the Post Processing nodes have improved.
The bad news first is that some nodes have been removed:
- post/adaptiveToneMapping
- post/afterImage
- post/bleach
- post/clear
- post/clearMask
- post/colorCorrection (but has been split into multiple nodes post/brightnessContrast, post/hueSaturation and post/lut, see more below )
- post/copy
- post/dotScreen
- post/gammaCorrection
- post/layer
- post/mask
And we have improved ALL post nodes, and the following ones have either been renamed:
- post/FXAA has been renamed to post/antialiasing
- post/film has been renamed to post/noise
- post/horizontalBlur, post/verticalBlur and post/triangleBlur have been merged into post/blur
- post/image has been renamed to post/texture
- post/lut: color grades the image with a LUT (look up table).
- post/RGBShift has been renamed to post/chromaticAberration
- post/unrealBloom has been renamed to post/bloom
- cop/lut: imports an image file to be used as a LUT by the post/lut node.
And those ones have been added:
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