Doc > Changelog > 1.2.48
- mat/RaymarchingBuilder has a roughness parameter to blur the environment map. Note that the roughness of this node and the one of its children gl/SDFMaterial are multiplied. See Breaking Change below.
- gl/SDFMaterial: improve refraction absorption, envMap rotation, add emissive and diffuse params
- sop/boolean: use newly created object to ensure boundingbox is correct
- the time delta is clamped to a maximum value.
Bug Fixes
- cop/SDFFromObject: fix bug would not recreate a texture when the expected resolution changes
Breaking Change
- mat/raymarchingBuilder: the environment used to be defined at the gl/SDFMaterial, but in order to have environment roughness, and since it is unlikely that materials will have multiple environment maps, those controls have been moved to the builder at the mat/raymarchingBuilder level.
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