Doc > Changelog > 1.2.52
New Nodes
- add gl/SDF2DBox
- add gl/SDF2DCross
- add gl/SDF2DHeart
- add gl/SDF2DRoundedX
- add gl/SDF2DStairs
- add gl/SDFExtrude
- add gl/SDFRevolution
sop/fileJSON: when this node failed to parse the input .json, it would fail silently, which would in some cases block the whole scene. It now reports the error normally and does not block the scene anymore.
sop/sphere: do not hide the radius when the mode is set to icosahedron
actor/setParam: ensure lerp is an input connection
Editor Improvements
node comments support markdown, which enable links inside. Those links can be to an external page, or also to a node in the scene.
tab menu uses fuzzy search, so you don't have to type the exact node name to find it anymore
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